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Rosacea Control with Essential Oils
Rosacea is an irritating, chronic condition of the skin which affects many people, typically after the age of 30. Rosacea is complicated...

Hobbies are Good For Your Health
I think one of the most valuable things my parents taught me by example is that you need to have hobbies. So often we do things for...

DIY Essential Oil Blends for Pain and Related Anxiety
As the opioid epidemic in the United States continues unabated, doctors in many specialties are trying new ways to treat acute and chronic p

Photosensitization and Phototoxic Essential Oils - What You Need to Know
SUMMER! Beach days, shorts, tank tops, and flip flops — here we come! But before you go and lather up your skin with all those DIY...

Lymphedema - A Natural Approach to a Better Life
What is Lymphedema? Lymphedema is a condition that causes swelling, typically in the arms or legs. It causes a buildup of lymph fluid...

What is Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome?
Waking up exhausted day after day is just one signal that you're not feeling well. But how do you know if you're just plain tired or have ad

15 Secrets of Genuinely Happy People
Every minute of every day you have the power to choose how you feel emotionally. Pretty powerful, right? The only way someone else has...

Chakra Balancing - Got 10 Minutes to Change Your Life?
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. They are vertically...

No More Chicken Skin!
Keratosis Pilaris is a common skin condition that is completely harmless but can be difficult to keep under control. Sometimes referred to a

Improve Your Focus & Concentration with Essential Oils
Unless you having been living at the South Pole, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about essential oils. First used by the Egyptians...
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