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Unwind Your Mind in Six Easy Steps
1. Put down the Technology For some of us, our iPhones are like members of the family. You play your games on them, you do business on...

Kick Your Negativity to the Curb!
There are so many moments in life that are difficult, painful, scary and hard to endure. There are times when we feel anger, anxiety,...

Hobbies are Good For Your Health
I think one of the most valuable things my parents taught me by example is that you need to have hobbies. So often we do things for...

15 Secrets of Genuinely Happy People
Every minute of every day you have the power to choose how you feel emotionally. Pretty powerful, right? The only way someone else has...

Chakra Balancing - Got 10 Minutes to Change Your Life?
The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. They are vertically...

Improve Your Focus & Concentration with Essential Oils
Unless you having been living at the South Pole, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about essential oils. First used by the Egyptians...

The Thinker Behind Your Thoughts
I think one of the keys to personal development and ultimately self-understanding is observing how your mind works, what your heart feels...

Things to Remember If You Love a Person with ADHD and Anxiety
People who have ADD/ADHD and anxiety are suffering. Life is harder for them than the average person. Everything is intense and magnified....

Will Essential Oils Work for Me?
Do essential oils really work? Whenever we’re thinking about putting something on or in our bodies, it’s always a good idea to be...

10 Toxic Habits that Sabotage Your Happiness
Are you sabotaging your happiness? The truth is that most of us aren’t even aware of our bad habits. It certainly makes sense, our habits...
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