Improve Your Focus & Concentration with Essential OilsUnless you having been living at the South Pole, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about essential oils. First used by the Egyptians...
DIY Arthritis Joint Pain - Essential Oil RecipeThe pain due to the wear and tear of the joints can be eased by using this wonderful blend. WHAT ARE ESSENTIAL OILS? Essential oils are...
DIY California Beachy Body ScrubReady for a mini vacay in your shower? Check it out! California Beachy Body Scrub Ingredients: 1/2 cup Coarse Cane Sugar 1/4 cup...
Essential Oil Chemistry 101Essential oils are extracted from plants using a variety of methods. An essential oil has the “essential” properties of the plant. How...
Essential Oils For FibromyalgiaFibromyalgia is a very difficult illness to deal with. Because fibromyalgia causes so many different symptoms, ranging from chronic...
How to Make Balm of Gilead Salve Making Balm of Gilead infused oil The bud harvest is meager unless you have a huge plantation of Cottonwood trees. But use whatever...
25 Epsom Salt UsesEpsom Salts – chemically known as magnesium sulfate – are named after the spring in Surrey, England where the naturally-occurring mineral...
DIY Cooling Foot and Leg Massage ButterOh my aching feet! They really take the brunt of long days, jobs that require long periods of standing, evenings spent in high heels,...
Legs Up Ladies!Viparita Karani is often called Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose, but viparita actually means "inverted," and karani means "in action." We can...
The Thinker Behind Your ThoughtsI think one of the keys to personal development and ultimately self-understanding is observing how your mind works, what your heart feels...