DIY Muscle Cramping Relief

A muscle cramp is a strong, painful contraction or tightening of a muscle that comes on suddenly and lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. It often occurs in the legs. Nighttime leg cramps are usually sudden spasms, or tightening, of muscles in the calf. They can be annoying at best.
Harnessing the power of arnica, this blend is so helpful for soothing painful muscle cramps. These oils work together to provide remarkable antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and pain relief support!
1 oz. of Arnica Oil
4 drops of Lavender Oil
4 drops of Marjoram (Sweet) Oil
4 drops of Plai (Central) Oil
3 drops of Cedarwood Atlas Oil
2 drops of Chamomile Roman Oil
Pour the Arnica Infused Olive Oil into a 1-ounce glass bottle and gently blend in essential oils. Massage onto the area for support in relieving spasmodic discomfort.
This recipe would make an excellent salve. To make a soft salve, melt .20 oz. (by weight) of beeswax pellets in .5 ounce (by weight) of jojoba oil. When almost melted, remove from heat (double boiler by using a pan and a glass measuring cup) and add 1.5 ounces of Arnica oil. Drop in essential oils and blend well. Double the essential oils as we have 2 ounces of carrier instead of 1 ounce. Pour into 1-ounce size lip balm tins (will need 3 tins) and keep handy when relief is needed. This salve recipe makes almost 3 ounces.